Letter: Andrea Harrington for DA

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To the Editor:

The election of Andrea Harrington was part of a wave of progressive DAs across the country elected by people who recognize that our justice system is too often unjust and in need of meaningful change.

District Attorney Harrington has been true to her word as a reformer. Her opponent embraces the old paradigm that the justice system is the right way to rehabilitate, and embraces the use of diversion programs embedded in the justice system— expensive programs that expand the criminal legal system.

District Attorney Harrington embraces an approach grounded in public health and a harm-reduction approach. She embraces diversion to public health programs that do not sit inside the justice system. She understands that labeling people who use drugs as criminals, and calling them addicts is harmful, and she supports proven harm-reduction approaches that save lives.

Andrea says her office will never work with ICE because they need to build trust with the immigrant community. Her opponent says he will cooperate with ICE, as he sees fit. Our criminal justice system is riven by injustice where those in poverty and people of color are disproportionately prosecuted and incarcerated. Andrea has shown true leadership in embracing criminal justice reform — working toward true structural change — and that is why she has received endorsements from Sen. Elizabeth Warren, and Attorney General Maura Healey.

Please vote for Andrea on Sept. 6 so that she can continue this important work.

Wendy Penner
Williamstown, Mass. 



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Flag Meant to Represent Inclusion Sparks Debate in Williamstown

By Stephen DravisiBerkshires Staff
WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass. — One of the authors of a proposed bylaw amendment to allow the display of the Progress Pride on town flag poles said he welcomes more dialogue about the proposal.
"It's been a good learning experience through all of this," Mount Greylock Regional School sophomore Jack Uhas said last week.
"Any attempt to hinder a conversation in our community would be disappointing to me. I'm excited to hear what people have to say."
Uhas is the vice president of the middle-high school's Gender Sexuality Alliance, which developed the bylaw proposal that will be before Thursday's annual town meeting at Mount Greylock.
The advocacy group has been talking for some time about how to foster a public display of support for the LGBTQ-plus community.
"Last [school] year, we started thinking of ways we could make an impact in the wider community beyond Mount Greylock," Uhas said. "We talked about doing something like painting a crosswalk like they do in other communities.
"[Select Board member Randal Fippinger], who was the father of the GSA president last year, came in and talked to us. And, apparently, there were some Department of Transportation regulations that meant it wasn't feasible [to paint a crosswalk]. We pivoted to other strategies."
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